The Virtual Healing and Treating Trauma, Addictions and Mental Health Disorders Conference
Presented by
Jonah Paquette, Psy.D.
and Pat Love, Ed.D.
and Margaret Wehrenberg, Psy.D.
and Donald Meichenbaum, Ph.D.
and Donald Altman, M.A., LPC
and Carolyn Coker Ross, M.D.
and Jeff Riggenbach, Ph.D.
and Jennifer Sweeton, Psy.D., M.S., M.A.
and John Arden, Ph.D.
Monday, November 30, 2020 – Wednesday, December 2, 2020
Date & Location
Monday, November 30, 2020 – Wednesday, December 2, 2020
Virtual Conference
Learn From Home
Please note, due to this being a virtual conference the location is not correct, this is an online conference.
Topics Include:
Virtual Conference Format
- 9 Internationally Renown Experts
- 18, 3 Hour online courses
- 3 CEU’s Per Course
- Mix & Match to Create a Customized Virtual Conference Experience
- Each online course is 3 learning hours
- Seat sharing is not allowed, only registrants who have paid the registration fees will be eligible to receive CEUs and a certificate. Each participant must have their own login information.
- Groups do not need to attend the same workshop to qualify for the group rate, all group members must attend a minimum of 2 conference courses to receive a group rate
- To receive a group rate please email
- Please read the complete terms and conditions here
- Please read the FAQ’s here
Attend More and Save!
Attend 2, 3 Hours Courses and Save $21.00
Attend 4, 3 Hours Courses and Save $91.00
Attend 6, 3 Hours Courses and Save $171.00
Fees are per person, seat sharing is not allowed. Please respect this policy, failure to comply will result in termination of access without a refund. For group rates please contact
Who Should Attend
Clinical Professionals: All mental health professionals including, but not limited to Clinical Counsellors, Psychologists, Psychotherapists, Social Workers, Nurses, Occupational Therapists, Hospice and Palliative Care Workers, School Counsellors, Youth Workers, Mental Health Workers, Addiction Specialists, Marital & Family Therapists, Speech Language Pathologists, Vocational Rehabilitation Consultants and all professionals looking to enhance their therapeutic skills.
Day 1 – November 30, 2020
Managing Depression: The 10 Best-Ever Techniques Applied in a Post-Pandemic World
Presented by
Margaret Wehrenberg, Psy.D.
3 Hours | 3 CEU's November 30, 2020
In this year of challenges for mental health, the very real losses and subsequent grief that so many have experienced have fuelled rising rates of depression. Isolation during phases of the pandemic management has also fuelled depression, and for those who were already struggling with depression, these conditions intensified it. Rate of depression and anxiety in people who have worked as medical and mental health providers and first responders have been staggering. There is hope for recovery for our clients as we treat depression with methods that will break into isolation, raise energy, and alter the depressive cognitive style that make it so hard to come out of depression. This session will also highlight methods that connect people to resilience and positive explanatory styles.
Join Dr. Margaret Wehrenberg, author of The 10 Best-Ever Depression Management Techniques, for this fresh look at managing depression, grief and loss in the post-pandemic world.
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- Understand the impact of neural networking and the interaction with isolation and depression
- Immediate interventions for the 4 typical causes/triggers of depression: neurobiology, stress, aversive childhood experiences and trauma
- Meta-cognitions
- Finding triggers
- Confront helplessness
- Focus on positive cognitive networks:
- finding personal strengths
- developing perspective
- Interrupt negative neural networks:
- Increase cognitive flexibility, practice changing explanatory style
- Decrease absolutist language
- Identify loss and grief being masked by depression
- Identify disappointment
- Create ritual for looking back at one’s process of achievement and looking forward to options
- Apply the principles of neural networks to alter depressive cognitive style
- Assist clients to recognize how depressed mood masks loss and grief and apply powerful meaning-making methods to resolve those
- Develop a more flexible explanatory style to reduce negativity
Margaret Wehrenberg, Psy.D., is a clinical psychologist, author, and international trainer. She is a practicing psychotherapist and coaches professionals for anxiety management. Margaret has been a trainer of therapists for 25 years, and she is a sought-after speaker for continuing…
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Managing Anxiety: The 10 Best-Ever Anxiety Management Techniques Applied in a Post-Pandemic World
Presented by
Margaret Wehrenberg, Psy.D.
3 Hours | 3 CEU's November 30, 2020
When people suffer from addiction or trauma history anxiety is likely to be an additional challenge to recovery. Anxiety disorders may also contribute to the development of addiction. In this year of challenge from COVID-19, mental health disorders have affected greater percentages of the population because of exposure to threat and loss both real and feared. There has never been a more important time to fine-tune anxiety management skills for mental health practitioners. This session will present strategies that can minimize worry, reduce panic, deal effectively with health anxiety and control the impact of stress.
Join Dr. Margaret Wehrenberg, author of The 10 Best-Ever Anxiety Management Techniques, for this important and timely look at anxiety management.
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- How the brain generates anxiety and identifies threat
- The purpose of worry
- How it is a maladaptive effort to defeat anxious sensations
- Contain worry/clear the Mind exercises
- Control physical sensations
- Rest the brain – default mode network
- Relaxation technique
- Diaphragmatic breathing
- Eliminate panic
- Predict, prepare and plan
- Stop catastrophizing
- Use mindfulness
- High drive anxious persons (TMA- Too Much Activity
- Learn to spot perfectionism driving it at different ages
- Intervene on perfectionistic procrastination
- Cognitive tools to stop worry
- Social Anxiety management
- Memory reconsolidation as a model
- Creating exposures with graduated steps that end on success – 3 C’s
- Identifying self-talk and changing self-defeating cognitions
- Apply 3 strategies to minimize worry over feared and reality-based life situations
- Control panic and change the catastrophic thinking that fuels it
- Utilize stress management methods for the new and ongoing stressors of the pandemic world
Putting Health into Mental Health: Clinical Strategies for Overcoming Trauma and Abuse
Presented by
Pat Love, Ed.D.
3 Hours | 3 CEU's November 30, 2020
If you want to make a change, it’s easier to add positives than eliminate negatives.
So much of our training focuses on identifying early childhood experiences that can lead to trauma and addiction with less emphasis on strategies for managing the fallout in adulthood.
When clients come to therapy, research indicates they expect the counsellor to (1) be smart; (2) illustrate that they understand them; (3) provide treatment strategies that make sense to them. This means that our clients not only expect us to provide a logical explanation to the origins of trauma and abuse, but more important, to provide treatment strategies that make sense to them. Rehashing abuse and neglect from childhood and reviewing the negative implications of current choices and behaviours, while insightful, stops short of client expectations.
This presentation will provide clinical strategies and useful techniques for helping clients put the “health” back into mental health practices. Lecture, original handouts, and experiential exercises will be utilized.
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First Hour:
- Using cognitive dissonance to evoke change; using early childhood frustrations to identify harmful relationship patterns and strategies for change.
- Experiential exercise and insights
- Attachment criteria explored and applied to adult relationships
- Assessing one’s attachment system for the purpose of defining areas for improvement and strategies for change
Second Hour:
- Use of heuristic exercises #1 to identify dysfunctional personal behaviours and boundary confusion.
- Lecture on identifying boundaries and their importance to mental health and functional relationships
- Experiential exercise (Bold Boundaries)
- Use of heuristic exercise #2 to identify harmful relationship patterns.
- Experiential exercise (Fear/Shame Index)
- Clinical strategies for remorse, regret, and repair
Third Hour:
- Identifying resilience factors for the purpose of change
- Experiential exercise, Identifying Resilience
- Celebrating resilience lecture
- Identifying Core Values for personal strategies for change
- Experiential exercise, Core Values Survey
- Use of Core Values in clinical sessions
- The Five Most Important Questions for Your Life, lecture, experiential exercise
- To provide a working definition of mental health
- To provide a working definition of emotional regulation
- To describe the importance of emotional regulation
- To provide two clinical strategies for improving emotional regulation
- To identify resilience factors and extrapolate these factors to clinical strategies for improving mental health
Pat Love, Ed.D., (yes that is her real surname) has authored/co-authored six books, has written numerous professional publications, and has developed multiple training programs including Love Education™. Her work literally has taken her around the world to help people understand and…
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The Origins of Trauma and Addiction: Clinical Strategies from the Known—and Lesser Known Sources of Disturbance
Presented by
Pat Love, Ed.D.
3 Hours | 3 CEU's November 30, 2020
By now most every clinician is familiar not only with their own ACE Score (Adverse Childhood Experience), but also their clients’. We have been trained to recognize violence, sexual abuse, even some forms of neglect that can shape a child in maladaptive ways that show up in adulthood. There are, however, many lesser-known traumas which can occur in childhood, and adulthood, which can create PTS reactions, that seldom get mentioned in professional literature.
Using clinically useful, original handouts, which will be provided to each participant, we will explore many of these lesser-known origins of trauma from childhood and adulthood. Using deductive reasoning from these useful assessment scales, lecture, and video clips, we will deepen our knowledge of trauma, addiction, and more robust approaches to treatment and recovery. Participants may find this presentation both personally and professionally rewarding.
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First Hour:
- Trauma defined, brief review of ACE items.
- Origins of trauma and addiction expanded
- Review of Healthy Family Checklist with applied inductive reasoning and possible adult manifestations.
Safety from extreme temperatures and temperaments
Attainment and response
Tactile stimulation
Cognitive stimulation
Sleep and rest
Emotional stability
Routine and structure
Affection and appreciation
Financial stability
Balance of freedom and responsibility
Effective communication skills
Second Hour:
A close look at personal accountability in adulthood, and implications for therapy. Use of Personal Accountability Scale.
A close look at happiness versus contentment in adulthood, implications for therapy. Use of Personal Contentment Scale.
A close look at entitlement and narcissism, implications for therapy. Lecture, use of Narcissism Scale.
Further expansion of origins of trauma and addiction in adulthood.
Third Hour:
Attachment in adulthood, a deductive exercise. Use of the Attachment Style Survey.
Lecture, overview and strategies from secure attachment
Video clip illustration of attachment issues.
Use and abuse issues in adulthood.
Use of Diagnostic Questions handout.
Lecture, strategies for change
- To define trauma
- To describe common responses to trauma
- To list one effective approach to managing PTS
- To list three items on the Adverse Childhood Experience Scale.
- To list two additional traumas from childhood or adulthood which can elicit PTS
Fostering Well-Being: A Strength-Based Approach to Change
Presented by
Jonah Paquette, Psy.D.
3 Hours | 3 CEU's November 30, 2020
While most mental health approaches focus on addressing deficits and treating psychopathology, recent research has begun to shed light on the core principles for well-being, and how we can harness these skills towards lasting positive change. Combining neuroscience and positive psychology, participants in this workshop will learn about some of the key brain systems linked to well-being, and how to strengthen these through positive self-directed neuroplasticity. In addition, we will explore how specific skills such as compassion, gratitude, savouring, and self-compassion can improve our physical health, social connections, and overall functioning. We’ll also explore some of the common myths related to happiness, and discuss factors that help explain why happiness can feel so hard to come by.
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- Understanding Happiness
- The core components of well-being and how it’s been conceptualized
- Barriers to well-being
- How hedonic adaptation, genetic factors, and our brain’s negativity bias sabotage many efforts to become happier
- Core habits of well-being and their effects on psychological and physical health
- Gratitude
- Compassion & Kindness
- Self-Compassion
- Savoring the Good
- Strengths & Flow
- Identify the key benefits of happiness to our physical health, emotional well-being, and interpersonal relationships
- Articulate the concept of the brain’s negativity bias and its importance
- Administer specific practices to cultivate self-compassion, create flow states, identify and utilize strengths, and savour positive experiences
Jonah Paquette, PsyD, is a clinical psychologist, international speaker, and writer. He is the author of four books including Happily Even After (PESI Publishing, 2022), Awestruck (Shambhala Publications, 2020), The Happiness Toolbox (PESI Publishing, 2018), and Real Happiness: Proven Paths for Contentment, Peace, and Well-Being (PESI Publishing, 2015).…
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The “Wow” Effect: How Awe and Wonder Make Us Happier, Healthier, and More Connected
Presented by
Jonah Paquette, Psy.D.
3 Hours | 3 CEU's November 30, 2020
What do you feel when you gaze up at the Milky Way, see a beautiful rainbow, or stand before a mountain that seems impossibly high? This feeling – often complete with goosebumps and a shiver down our spine – is known as awe. And as it turns out, this under appreciated and often misunderstood emotion holds an important key to a happy, meaningful, and healthy life. This interactive workshop will explore the exciting new science of awe, and how the moments that make us go “wow!” impact our immune system, brain functioning, social connection, physical health, stress levels, and much more.
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- What is Awe
- Defining awe
- Awe in the context of emotion research
- Why we experience Awe
- Awe as a universal human emotion
- The interplay between awe and connection, compassion, and curiosity
- Psychological Benefits of Awe
- Impact on Emotions
- The effect of Awe on materialism
- How awe lowers stress and changes our time perspective
- Physiological Effects of Awe
- The brain-based underpinnings of awe
- How awe impacts our nervous system
- Becoming more Awestruck
- 10 pathways towards increasing awe in daily life
- Describe and define the experience of awe in concrete terms
- Explain the effect of awe on social relationships and connection
- Describe the link between awe and compassion
Day 2 – December 1, 2020
Advanced Mindfulness Techniques: Rewire Depression, Anxiety and Toxic Lifestyle Habits
Presented by
Donald Altman, M.A., LPC
3 Hours | 3 CEU's December 1, 2020
Join Donald Altman for a unique set of mindfulness tools designed to rewire clients’ brains for wellness from the inside out. In a world where 24/7 distraction is the rule, this comprehensive course teaches the secrets of everything from selective focus and mindful awareness styles to metacognitive awareness. Based on Donald’s award-winning The Mindfulness Toolbox, you will get detailed demonstrations and practice time so that you can effectively implement these tools.
This webinar is direct and experiential. Whoever you work with—Gen Z to Boomers—you’ll quickly gain a host of effective tools. In addition, these practices will support you in bringing embodied mindfulness and compassionate presence into each session to help clients constructively manage anxiety, depression, chronic pain, PTSD, addictive cravings, stress and more.
Whether mindfulness is new to you or you’ve worked with it before, this highly experiential webinar offers you a transformative way to help clients experience greater joy, peace, and balance.
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- Discuss mindfulness meditation and demonstrate 3-Step practice.
- Describe Mindfulness research and resources. Discuss brain research that illustrates how affect labeling helps regulate emotions.
- Discuss how mindfulness affects the therapeutic alliance with clients. Explain and demonstrate a practice for developing compassionate presence.
- Discuss epi-genetics and how mindfulness practices affect the epi-genome
- Demonstrate a grounding technique for anxiety and stress reduction
- Describe a visual model of the brain and identify the functions of the prefrontal cortex—the brain’s mindfulness module.
- Discuss research on breathing, how to turn on the parasympathetic nervous
- system, and demonstrate 5-breathing postures for diaphragmatic breathing.
- Explain research on stress and eating; discuss mindful eating, rating hunger; demonstrate the 4-step mindful bites technique.
- Discuss awareness styles and how to identify this in clients. Utilize online assessment tools and demonstrate interventions.
- Identify and describe research regarding self-care strategies of eating, sleeping, and physical activity.
- Discuss self-care related to attitude, relationships, and managing technology, and integrating mindfulness into daily life.
- Explain research on the negative effects of mind wandering on telomeres and affect.
- Discuss expanding the mindfulness vocabulary, and demonstrate how to use metaphors and other concepts that make this more accessible for each client.
- Discuss and demonstrate more ways of using the 3-part breathing practice for regulating and distancing from negative emotions.
- Discussion of stories as fundamental to finding strengths; Explain a strengths intervention and demonstrate how to identify strengths.
- Discuss mindfulness for cravings, and demonstrate an impulse control practice.
- Introduction to the Mindfulness-based stress reduction practice for chronic pain and demonstration of this practice.
- Describe the biological and psychological research on mirthful laughter and how it is utilized for depression, anxiety and grief.
- Discuss and identify present moment anchors, and how clients can use these for
- calm and positive affect. Demonstrate a method for helping clients identify their own anchors.
- Discuss research on movement and cognitive embodiment. Explain and demonstrate mindful walking for movement for anxiety, and how to introduce this to clients.
- Demonstrate evidence-based savoring practices for overcoming depression and anxiety.
- Explain Attention Restoration Theory; Discuss and demonstrate how nature restores concentration, mental exhaustion, and reduces stress.
- List the bio-psycho-social benefits of a gratitude practice and demonstrate a 4-part daily gratitude practice for clients.
- Describe the broaden and build theory of positive emotions and how it is used with a loving-kindness affirmation. Demonstrate how to use this with clients.
- Describe and define mindfulness in ways that make it easy to adapt mindfulness to various populations.
- Explain the effects of stress and cortisol, and how diaphragmatic breathing turns on the parasympathetic nervous system.
- Demonstrate how to use stories as a way to shift awareness, enhance relationships, and recognize strengths.
- Discuss the 5-self-care mind-body practices that promote cognitive brain function and emotional regulation.
- Describe evidence-based “savoring” methods for shifting attention that produce greater positive emotions.
- Analyze stress and employ four essential techniques for reducing ‘bad’ stress.
- Examine the damaging effects of stress on telomeres at the cellular level, and how lifestyle changes can alter these.
- Demonstrate stress-reducing transition skills through using movement and nature.
- Explain research about Mindfulness-Based Stress Reduction for pain, and demonstrate a non-judging awareness meditation designed to help patients to better accept, reframe and manage pain.
- Demonstrate gratitude interventions for increasing positive affect and resilience.
- Utilize the loving-kindness affirmation as a method for priming clients to feel self-compassion, feelings of safety, trust, and forgiveness.
Donald Altman, M.A., LPC, was a staff writer for an EMMY-Award winning children’s television show (“The Magic Door,” CBS Chicago), won an American Medical Writer’s Association Award and has had articles appear in New Age Journal, the Los Angeles Times,…
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One-Minute Mindfulness, Resilience and Interpersonal Neurobiology
Presented by
Donald Altman, M.A., LPC
3 Hours | 3 CEU's December 1, 2020
We live in a world where most people have experienced some form of trauma, pain, depression, anxiety or extreme stress. It can often be frustrating helping clients who have suffered devastating life losses and unthinkable adversity. In this highly experiential workshop, you’ll discover a set of engaging and accessible tools that integrate the healing modalities of Mindfulness, Resilience and Interpersonal Neurobiology.
Join international workshop leader, former monk and award-winning writer Donald Altman, LPC, for a workshop that focuses on giving you strategies that fundamentally shift, broaden and transform a client’s perspective by which they view trauma, stress, anxiety, rumination and isolation. Not only do these tools cultivate an attitude of openness, acceptance and optimism, they optimize how the brain and nervous system work.
Most importantly, this course gives a working knowledge of the skills necessary for true resilience—the skills of mental clarity, problem solving, goal setting, enthusiasm and determination. Whoever you work with will benefit from these awareness and relational tools that help rewire the brain and transform lives.
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Core Themes: Integrating IPNB, Mindfulness, and Resilience
- Mindfulness as an Attentional Coping Skill
- The 3 “R’s” of Interpersonal Neurobiology
- Understanding Resilience
New View of Stress
- Why Stress Matters
- Technology and the Brain
- Neuroscience of Mindfulness
- Perceived Stress Scale
The Mindfulness Antidote
- Mind Wandering and Telomeres
- Palm the Present Moment Experience
Safe Anchors for Balance and Safety
- Anchors through the Life Span
- Practice: Safe Anchors
Understanding Resilience
- Hope and Resilience
- Tools for Willpower and Waypower
Gratitude and IPNB
- Gratitude as an attentional practice
- 5 Kinds of Gratitude
- 4 Psychological Reasons Why Gratitude is Good
- L.A.D. Technique for Positive Emotions
Identifying and Applying Strengths
- Learn Your 24 Top Strengths
- Practice: Savouring Practice
One-Minute Mindfulness Affirmation
- Loving-Kindness for Overcoming Fear, Anxiety and Building Relationships
- Discuss the concept of psychological hope and delineate the role of hope in building resilience.
- Describe how in-session strategies can be employed to cultivate response flexibility in clients struggling to bounce back from adversity.
- Explain the four factors of resilience utilized by mindfulness and interpersonal neurobiology.
- Discuss the effects of stress on mental health issues of anxiety and depression.
- Discuss research on mind-wandering and demonstrate a physical grounding that reduces rumination and mind-wandering.
- Articulate how clients working through trauma can be taught to redirect attention toward “safe anchors.”
- Establish how the act of pausing can be operationalized by clients to help them disconnect from triggers and enhance emotional regulation.
- Identify and discuss resilience strategies for building agency and the motivation to bounce back from adversity. customer service at4-8260
- Assess research on gratitude and characterize the potential benefits and limitations associated with these studies.
- Demonstrate an interpersonal gratitude practice for enhancing relationships and reducing negative affect.
- Explain and demonstrate two savoring practices for focusing attention and turning away from negative rumination and mind-wandering.
- Specify how security priming words can be used with clients working through depression and grief to establish felt safety and trust.
Achieving Lasting Treatment Changes for Clients with Addictive and Co-occurring Disorders
Presented by
Donald Meichenbaum, Ph.D.
3 Hours | 3 CEU's December 1, 2020
According to the Public Health Agency of Canada, on average 10 people die each day from an illicit drug overdose in Canada. Substance-use disorders are the most common reason for a person’s hospitalization in the year prior to a fatal overdose. Often, the abuse of substances is complicated by the co-occurrence of psychiatric disorders such as Complex PTSD, Anxiety, and Depressive Disorders with accompanying suicidality and interpersonal violence. Of those who receive treatment, some 75% will relapse.
The workshop will consider ways to achieve “lasting changes” by using an evidenced-based strengths-based integrated treatment approach. A Case Conceptualization Model of both risk and protective factors that informs assessment and treatment decision-making will be presented. A Constructive Narrative treatment approach will be highlighted and ways to implement the Core tasks of psychotherapy designed to reduce relapse will be demonstrated. How patients can use resilience-engendering behaviours to achieve lasting changes will be presented.
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- The nature of the challenge: Incidence and impact of co-occurring substance abuse and psychiatric disorders.
- The need for a developmental life-span perspective.
- A Case Conceptualization Model of risk and protective factors: Implications for treatment planning.
- The “State of the Art” of treatment outcome studies: How to beware of HYPE in the field.
- How to evaluate Residential Treatment Centres: Buyer Beware.
- How to Implement the Core Tasks of Psychotherapy: The “Art of Questioning”.
- Critically evaluate various treatment options and spot HYPE in the field
- Employ a Case Conceptualization Model of risk and protective factors.
- Implement a strengths-based Constructive Narrative Treatment Approach for patients with co-occurring substance-abuse and psychiatric disorders.
Don Meichenbaum, Ph.D., is Distinguished Professor Emeritus from the University of Waterloo. Ontario from which he took early retirement 20 years ago. He is presently Research Director of the Melissa Institute for Violence Prevention in Miami (Please see He…
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“How to” Implement the Core Tasks of Psychotherapy
Presented by
Donald Meichenbaum, Ph.D.
3 Hours | 3 CEU's December 1, 2020
No matter what substances individuals abuse, 75% of them are likely to relapse following treatment, most often within three months of the end of treatment. Moreover, up to 50% of patients will drop out of various forms of treatment.
There are substantial differences among therapists in achieving positive treatment outcomes. Some therapists are up to 50% more effective and have a 50% lower dropout rate. This presentation will discuss what these so-called “Expert” therapists do. How to implement a variety of Core Tasks of Psychotherapy and ways to conduct integrative interventions for PTSD, depression, suicidality and substance abuse in a gender and culturally-sensitive manner will be discussed. Ways to integrate spiritually-oriented Twelve Step AA programs and psychotherapy will be presented.
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- Establish and monitor the quality of the therapeutic alliance; Use of Treatment-informed feedback
- Conduct psychoeducation and collaborative goal-setting that nurture hope
- Teach intra- and interpersonal coping skills and build-in generalization guidelines
- Bolster resilience-engendering behaviours in physical, emotional, cognitive and behavioural domains, ways to incorporate significant others in treatment and conduct Active-aftercare
- Treat both PTSD, depression/suicidality, and substance abuse in an integrative fashion
- Incorporate spirituality in the treatment program
- Implement the Core tasks of psychotherapy in order to reduce the likelihood of relapse and achieve “lasting changes”.
- Conduct integrative treatments that focus on both substance abuse and the history of trauma and victimization.
- Integrate spirituality and 12 Step Programs and psychotherapy in treatment.
3 Hours | 3 CEU's December 1, 2020
Caregivers are often very good at taking care of other people but at the same time, often neglect themselves. Compassion fatigue is the feeling of chronic stress, emotional exhaustion and tension that can be felt by anyone who is in the helping professions. These symptoms can develop rapidly and result from exposure to vicarious trauma of our clients and may be exacerbated by stress in our individual lives including loss, depression and anxiety. Lack of self-care can leave us feeling depleted and can result in both physical and mental health problems that affect our ability to continue to be effective in our careers and therefore is important to address.
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- Define compassion fatigue
- Physical signs and symptoms of compassion fatigue (CF)
- Causes of compassion fatigue
- Why CF is called an “occupational hazard.”
- Identifying CF
- Identifying CF in self or others
- Work conditions
- Current life circumstances
- Spiritual aspects of CF
- Research into the effects on the brain of CF
- Unusual stressors and their impact on CF – Covid-19, social unrest and political turmoil
- Strategies for managing and preventing CF
- Mindfulness as a way to heal
- Self-care
- Building resilience
- Career choices for your well-being
- Resources
- List the three stages of compassion fatigue.
- Define compassion fatigue.
- List 3 physical signs and symptoms of compassion fatigue.
Carolyn Coker Ross, MD, MPH, CEDS is an internationally known author, speaker, expert and pioneer in the use of Integrative Medicine for the treatment of eating disorders and addictions. She is a graduate of Andrew Weil’s Fellowship Program in Integrative…
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Culturally Competent Mental Health Care for BIPOC (Black, Indigenous and People of Colour): Understanding Historical and Intergenerational Trauma and the Effect on Eating Disorders and Addictions
Presented by
Carolyn Coker Ross, M.D.
3 Hours | 3 CEU's December 1, 2020
Trauma ultimately has the ability to define our behaviours, actions and sense of self. Beyond childhood trauma, research is also showing the destructive effects of trauma being passed down from generation to generation in our DNA and cultural nurturing. This is intergenerational trauma. Historical trauma is trauma that affects groups of people and generations within those groups. Both historical and intergenerational trauma are now being validated by research showing that the effects of trauma can be passed to children and grandchildren and increases risks for psychological, behavioural and physical health issues.
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- Discuss normal neurobiology, neurodevelopment
- Brain development is bottom up
- Time and use dependence of brain development
- Describe childhood maltreatment and impact on neurodevelopment
- Prenatal stress and impact on neurodevelopment
- Neuronal Pruning
- Brain organization and how it is disrupted by trauma and toxic stress
- Discuss attachment theory and its relationship to neurodevelopment
- Adverse childhood experiences study and risk for addictions and eating disorders
- 3 Categories of child maltreatment being studied
- Risk statistics related to ACEs
- Defining intergenerational and historical trauma
- Early studies on historical and intergenerational trauma
- Epigenetic memory
- Adult manifestations of historical and intergenerational trauma
- Intersectionality of LGBTQ+ issues with BIPOC.
- Culturally competent care for people from BIPOC populations (Black, Indigenous and people of colour)
- Track record of denial in mental health research
- Identifying bias
- Therapeutic strategies to improve cultural competence and cultural humility.
- Understand how intergenerational trauma may increase the risk of substance use disorders and eating disorders.
- Define historical trauma.
- List 3 of the categories under study in the adverse childhood experiences study.
- List 2 effects that trauma has on the development of the brain.
Day 3 – December 2, 2020
Attachment and Emotion Regulation: Brain-Based Strategies and Interventions
Presented by
John Arden, Ph.D.
3 Hours | 3 CEU's December 2, 2020
This seminar presents how Adverse Childhood Experiences (ACEs) can present challenges. Just as people with autoimmune disorders suffer from attacks on their bodies by their own immune system, people with anxiety suffer attacks by their stress system on their mind/brain/body. Their anxiety becomes an auto-stress disorder wherein their own stress system no longer protects them from danger, but alerts them to danger when there is none. Clients with anxiety disorders are confused by the symptoms, as well as by different therapists they encounter who ascribe to the various brand-name therapies.
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- Adverse Childhood Experiences (ACEs)
- The Impact of Neglect and Child Abuse on the Body and Brain
- The Dysregulation of the Stress Systems
- The Development of Autostress Disorders
- Therapy and Generalized Anxiety
- Therapy and the Trauma Spectrum
- Explain the effects of adverse childhood experiences
- Explain how anxiety disorders ramp up the stress system
- Describe ways that the stress system can be moderated
John Arden, PhD, ABPP is the author of 15 books, including his most recent, Mind-Brain-Gene: Toward Psychotherapy Integration. His other books include: Brain2Brain, The Brain Bible, as well as Rewire Your Brain 2.0, and Brain-Based Therapy with Adults and Brain-Based…
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Mind-Brain-Gene: Toward Psychotherapy Integration
Presented by
John Arden, Ph.D.
3 Hours | 3 CEU's December 2, 2020
This seminar synthesizes the already substantial literature on psychoneuroimmunology and epigenetics, combining it with the neuroscience of emotional, interpersonal, cognitive, dynamics, with psychotherapeutic approaches to offer an integrated vision of psychotherapy. The integrative model promotes a sea change in how we conceptualize mental health problems and their solutions. We can now understand how the immune system, diet, brain structure, and even gut bacteria effect mental health. Therapists in the 21st Century will by necessity become more like healthcare workers to address and resolve adverse mind-body-brain interactions.
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- The Demise of Pax Medica and the move toward integration
- Integrating our Feedback Loops
- Energy and Metabolism
- Epigenetics
- The Role of Our Immune System
- “Self”-Organization and Our Mental Operating Networks
- Understand the relationship between health and mental health
- Learn about the interaction between the immune system, genes, brain dynamics, and mental health
- Understand how genes can be expressed or suppressed
- Understand how autoimmune disorders contribute to depression, anxiety, and cognitive problems
Childhood Trauma, Addiction, and PTSD: Treatment Strategies and Interventions
Presented by
Jennifer Sweeton, Psy.D., M.S., M.A.
3 Hours | 3 CEU's December 2, 2020
Over the past couple of decades there has been an exciting merging of psychotherapy and neuroscience research that is revolutionizing clinical practice. Cognitive, affective, and social neuroscience research provides profound insight into the brain changes humans are capable of producing, as well as how childhood trauma (such as ACEs), and trauma more broadly, may negatively impact the brain. We are beginning to learn, through neuroscience research, how the brain can change with the practice of psychotherapeutic techniques that target and improve the functioning of specific brain structures. This seminar, led by clinical expert Dr. Jennifer Sweeton, shares the most up-to-date research discoveries on the neuroscience of childhood trauma, addiction, and PTSD, and teaches highly effective psychotherapy techniques clinicians can begin using tomorrow to help clients recover.
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- ACES, and the neuroscience of trauma and developmental trauma
- Neuroscience of addiction; Neuroplasticity and how therapy can change the brain
- Bottom-up techniques for trauma and addiction recovery
- Top-down techniques for trauma and addiction recovery
- Identify six key brain structures involved in addiction and PTSD.
- Name two ways childhood trauma changes the brain.
- Describe how developmental trauma brain change differs from brain change observed in adulthood trauma.
- State two ways therapy can change the brain for better mental health.
- Learn and practice at least three brain-changing techniques that reduce trauma and addiction symptoms.
Jennifer Sweeton, Psy.D., M.S., M.A. is a licensed clinical psychologist, best-selling author, and internationally-recognized expert on anxiety and trauma, women’s issues, and the neuroscience of mental health. She is the author of the book, Trauma Treatment Toolbox, published by PESI…
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Memory Reconsolidation Techniques and Interventions for Trauma: EFT, EMDR, Brainspotting and Neuromodulation
Presented by
Jennifer Sweeton, Psy.D., M.S., M.A.
3 Hours | 3 CEU's December 2, 2020
PTSD and other trauma and stressor-related disorders have sometimes been referred to as “memory disorders,” due to the deficits in traumatic memory consolidation observed in those suffering from PTSD. Failed memory reconsolidation contributes to the development of post trauma symptoms such as intrusive thoughts, dissociation, flashbacks, hypervigilance, nightmares, and other classic PTSD symptoms. Additionally, traumatic memories may be relived, seemingly occurring in the present. However, memory reconsolidation is possible with several therapeutic tools and interventions available to clinicians! This workshop provides an overview of the neuroscience of memory systems and PTSD, and the memory reconsolidation techniques that have been shown to facilitate recovery from PTSD. Help clients move from consolidation to reconsolidation utilizing techniques from EMDR, EFT, Brainspotting, and neuromodulation!
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- Neuroscience of PTSD and memory: The hippocampus and beyond
- Experiential avoidance, memory consolidation, and trauma; Mechanisms of change in psychotherapy
- Memory reconsolidation: EMDR (including a quick how-to)
- Memory reconsolidation: EFT and Brainspotting (including quick how-tos)
- State the main area of the brain involved in the storage of autobiographical, explicit, declarative memory.
- Name at least two types of “memory errors” that can occur during trauma processing.
- Identify one way in which EMDR differs from EFT and Brainspotting.
- Describe one mechanism of action of memory reconsolidation tools.
- Learn and practice at least two basic memory reconsolidation techniques.
Treatment & Management of Personality Disorders: The Challenge of the Hidden Agenda
Presented by
Jeff Riggenbach, Ph.D.
3 Hours | 3 CEU's December 2, 2020
Individuals with personality disorders have long been considered among the most challenging clients presenting in the clinical setting, and BPD in particular has a reputation of rendering clinicians feeling helpless and ill-equipped. Addictions, nonsuicidal self-injury, and other destructive behaviours headline a myriad of presentations that have many clinicians at a loss for knowing how to help this population.
For many years, borderline personality disorder was even considered “untreatable” by many in the field. Research is now clear however that this is simply not the case. The condition itself is not untreatable; Rather, the modalities clinicians had been trained in, that were effective for treating a variety of other conditions, were simply inadequate for treating Borderline Personality Disorder. DBT, CBT, and Schema Therapy have paved the way in pioneering new attitudes and outcomes related to treating BPD, including reducing and eliminating the addictive and other destructive behaviours that often are products of it.
Join leading exert in the field of personality dysfunction Dr. Jeff Riggenbach for this enjoyable 3-hour webinar, chock full of the latest research, techniques, and practical strategies specifically proven to be effective with this diagnosis. Learn his step-by-step, clear and concise approach for assessing and treating the addictive and destructive behaviours that so often are a part of the presentation in individuals suffering from BPD. Leave this session feeling refreshed, renewed, and reinvigorated to tackle these problems presented by your most challenging clients!
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BPD in Everyday Language
- Conversing about the diagnosis in a way that decreases defensiveness
- Normalisation and reducing stigma
- Differentiating a Bipolar ‘mood swing’ from a BPD ‘mood swing’
Case Conceptualisation
- Establishing target behaviours
- Conceptualisation drives treatment
“The Frame”
- Guidelines for effective treatment
- Individual treatment vs group treatment
- Session acuity protocol
Psychoeducation and Skills Training
- Standard CBT Skills
- Emotion Regulation Skills
- Distress Tolerance Skills
- Interpersonal effectiveness skills
Cognitive – Behavioural Chain Analysis
- Breaking destructive behavioural cycles
- Cognitive cue cards
- Behavioural coping cards
- Acquire language skills required to converse about diagnosis in a way that reduces client defensiveness
- Gain key conceptualization skills necessary for individualizing treatment planning and driving effective treatment for each client
- Differentiate the 8 motivations for non-suicidal self injury and ramifications for intervening effectively with each
- Review session acuity protocol and know which problems to address in what order
- Conduct complex chain analysis to help clients break cycles of addictive and other self-destructive behaviours
Jeff Riggenbach, Ph.D. is a best-selling and award winning author who has earned a reputation as an international expert in CBT and personality disorders. Over the past 20 years he has developed and overseen CBT-based treatment programs for Mood disorders,…
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A Cognitive Approach to Trauma and Addictions
Presented by
Jeff Riggenbach, Ph.D.
3 Hours | 3 CEU's December 2, 2020
The relationship between trauma and addiction is well established in the literature. This is no surprise, as clinicians know all too well that people with unresolved trauma and emotional wounds often turn to substances as a way to self-medicate; And, people with addictions may drive while impaired, gravitate towards toxic relationships, go to dangerous places to get their substance of choice, or engage in many other behaviours that increase their risk of being traumatized.
The good news is, there is hope! Evidence shows increasing incidence of recovery for people struggling in the areas of trauma and addiction.
While neuroscience has taught us much about this phenomenon in recent years, evidence-based CBT treatments, which to this day appear to still be at least as effective as many “newer” approaches, seem to have almost gotten lost in the shuffle.
Want to ground yourself in foundational clinical concepts for effectively treating this population?
This breakthrough webinar led by internationally recognized CBT expert Dr. Jeff Riggenbach will enhance your treatment approach, advance your clinical skills, and arm you with proven tools and techniques that you can implement with your clients the very next day in your practice.
Participate in this 3-hour online workshop and leave a more trauma informed clinician with a practical, evidence-based approach that will equip your clients struggling with trauma and addiction to reclaim their lives and be well on their road to recovery.
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The Relationship Between Trauma and Addiction
- The neurobiology of Trauma and addiction
- The role of defectiveness schemas and and shame
- Reciprocal nature of the relationship
A Cognitive Approach
- Psychoeducation
- Early Maladaptive Schemas and their Association with Trauma and Addiction
- Behavioural Pattern Breaking
- Exposure Based Work
CBT for Addictive Behaviour Disorders
- Addiction conceptualization
- Enhancing Motivation
- Identifying Functions of Usage
- Complex Chain Analysis
- Challenging motivations and Development of Alternative Coping Skills
- Cue cards and coping cards
- Addict Letters
- Managing Urges
Psychoeducation and Skills Training
- Standard CBT Skills
- Emotion Regulation Skills
- Distress Tolerance Skills
- Interpersonal effectiveness skills
Cognitive – Behavioural Chain Analysis
- Breaking destructive behavioural cycles
- Cognitive cue cards
- Behavioural coping cards
Trauma and PTSD
- 3 Stages of Treatment
- Psychoeducation and obtaining Informed Consent
- Grounding Exercises, Soothing Strategies, and Distraction Techniques
- Trauma Narrative Work
- Nightmare Rescripting and Imagery Rehearsal Therapy
- Restructuring Cognitions Related to Guilt and Shame
- Addressing Moral Injury
- Silver Lining Technique, Resilience Amplification, and other Post-Traumatic Growth
- Gain a better understanding of the relationship between trauma and addiction
- Understand the role in early maladaptive schemas in maintaining behavioural styles that keep these clients stuck
- Learn behavioural pattern-breaking tools for breaking lifelong patterns of behaviour
- Equip with soothing, grounding, and other de-escalation skills for helping prepare clients face traumatic memories
- Conduct complex chain analysis to facilitate development of client impulse control
- Understand how to help clients write trauma narratives, rescript nightmares and promote post-traumatic growth necessary for whole person recovery
Registration & Fees
Registration |
Super Early Bird Fee |
Early Bird Fee |
Regular Fee |
Individual Enrollment |
1 Course Enrollment |
$135.00 |
N/A |
2 Course Enrollment |
$249.00 |
N/A |
4 Course Enrollment |
$449.00 |
N/A |
6 Course Enrollment |
$649.00 |
N/A |
Full-Time Student Rates |
2 Course Enrollment |
$199.00 |
N/A |
4 Course Enrollment |
$359.00 |
N/A |
6 Course Enrollment |
$519.00 |
N/A |
Group 3 - 7 Rates |
2 Course Enrollment |
$229.00 |
N/A |
4 Course Enrollment |
$429.00 |
N/A |
6 Course Enrollment |
$629.00 |
N/A |
Group 8 - 14 Rates |
2 Course Enrollment |
$209.00 |
N/A |
4 Course Enrollment |
$409.00 |
N/A |
6 Course Enrollment |
$609.00 |
N/A |
Group 15+ Rates |
2 Course Enrollment |
$189.00 |
N/A |
4 Course Enrollment |
$389.00 |
N/A |
6 Course Enrollment |
$589.00 |
N/A |
All fees are in Canadian dollars ($CAD).
For group and/or student rates please view our Terms & Conditions and contact for more information and registration.
Fees do not include applicable taxes (5% GST).
Early bird cutoff date: November 30, 2020
The early bird date has passed. Regular rates apply.
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Recommended Accommodation
Please check back closer to the conference date for more information.
Continuing Education Credits
This workshop has been formally approved by the following associations:
† The Alberta College of Social Workers (ACSW) and the Newfoundland and Labrador Association of Social Workers (NLASW) accept CPA-approved CEUs.
* Participants will receive a certificate of completion after every workshop. Workshops are pre-approved for 5.5 or 6 credits per day unless otherwise specified.
This workshop may be may be eligible for CEUs from the following associations: Show more
- Canadian Association of Social Workers (CASW)
- Canadian Centre for Accreditation (CCA)
- Canadian College of Professional Counsellor & Psychotherapists (CCPCP)
- College of Registered Psychotherapists of Ontario (CRPO)
- Ontario Association for Marriage and Family Therapy (OAMFT)
- Ontario Association of Child and Youth Care (OACYC)
- Ontario Association of Consultants, Counsellors, Psychometrists and Psychotherapists (OACCPP)
- Ontario College of Social Workers and Social Service Workers (OCSWSSW)
- Ontario Society of Psychotherapists (OSP)
* Please contact your accrediting body for more information on individual association requirements.
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