Blog Archives
Adele Lafrance, Ph.D., C.Psych
Adèle Lafrance, Ph.D., C.Psych is a clinical psychologist and associate professor in the psychology department at Laurentian university. She is also a supervising/ consulting psychologist for a number of mental health agencies in Canada and abroad. She has co-developed Emotion-Focused…
Leah Kuypers, OTR/L, M.A.Ed
Leah Kuypers, OTR/L, M.A.Ed., earned a Bachelor of Science degree in Occupational Therapy from the University of Wisconsin-Madison, a Graduate Certificate in Autism, and a Master of Arts in Education from Hamline University in St. Paul, MN. She has practiced as…
Colleen Carney, Ph.D., C.Psych.
Colleen Carney, Ph.D., C.Psych received her Ph.D. in Clinical Psychology from Louisiana State University in 2003. From 2004 through 2008 she was a professor at Duke University Medical Center, where she established the Comorbid Insomnia Clinic. Since 2008 she has…
Stan Tatkin, Psy.D.
Stan Tatkin, Psy.D. is the author of Wired for Love and Your Brain on Love, and coauthor of Love and War in Intimate Relationships. He has a clinical practice in Southern California, teaches at Kaiser Permanente, and is an assistant clinical professor at UCL A. Tatkin developed a…
Richard C. Schwartz, Ph.D.
Richard C. Schwartz, Ph.D., began his career as a systemic family therapist and an academic, at the University of Illinois and at Northwestern University. Grounded in systems thinking, Dr. Schwartz developed the Internal Family Systems model (IFS) in response to clients’ descriptions of various parts within themselves.…
Mel Pohl, M.D.
Mel Pohl, M.D., is a Board Certified Family Practitioner. He is Vice President of Medical Affairs and the Medical Director of Las Vegas Recovery Center. Dr. Pohl was a major force in developing the Las Vegas Recovery Center’s Chronic Pain Rehabilitation Program. He is certified by…
Wendy Young, LMSW, BCD
Wendy Young, LMSW, BCD, is the mom of three, an award-winning child and family therapist and an Early Childhood Mental Health Consultant. Her areas of specialty include behavioral disorders, trauma, anger management and grief and loss. She graduated Summa Cum…
Randy Paterson, Ph.D., R.Psych.
Randy Paterson, Ph.D, R.Psych. is a psychologist and the founding director of Changeways Clinic, a private psychotherapy service in Vancouver BC. He is the author of How to be Miserable: 40 Strategies You Already Use, The Assertiveness Workbook, Your Depression…
Eboni Webb, Psy.D., HSP
Eboni Webb, PsyD, HSP, earned her Doctorate in Clinical Psychology from the Minnesota School of Professional Psychology (MSPP). She began her clinical work as assistant clinical director and program director at Mental Health Systems, PC (MHS), one of the largest providers…
Sue Johnson, Ed.D.
Sue Johnson, Ed.D., is the leading developer of Emotionally Focused Therapy (or EFT). She is a Professor Emeritus of Clinical Psychology at the University of Ottawa, Distinguished Research Professor in the Marital & Family Therapy Program at Alliant University in San…
Christine Dargon, Ph.D.
Christine Dargon, Ph.D., Christine is a retired psychologist. She continues her work teaching as college faculty for almost 30 years at two universities. She consults and now owns a health and wellness center, with two locations in Northern AZ, focusing…
Lisa Ferentz, LCSW, DAPA
Lisa Ferentz, LCSW, DAPA, is a recognized expert in the strengths based, de-pathologized treatment of trauma and self-harm and has been in private practice since 1984. She presents workshops and keynote addresses nationally and internationally, and is a clinical consultant to practitioners and mental health agencies in the United…
Steven G. Feifer, D.Ed., ABSNP
Steven G. Feifer, D.Ed., ABPdN is dually trained as both a nationally certified school psychologist and board certified pediatric neuropsychologist, having completed research stints at the National Institutes of Health. Dr. Feifer has earned numerous distinctions throughout his career including…
Sheri Van Dijk, MSW, RSW
Sheri Van Dijk, MSW, RSW, is a Social Worker who has been working with clients with severe mental health problems since 2000. With extensive experience in a hospital as well as community setting, Sheri now sees clients in private practice, and…
Jeff Riggenbach, Ph.D.
Jeff Riggenbach, Ph.D. is a best-selling and award winning author who has earned a reputation as an international expert in CBT and personality disorders. Over the past 20 years he has developed and overseen CBT-based treatment programs for Mood disorders,…
Judy Willis, MD, M.Ed
Judy Willis, MD, M.Ed., a board-certified neurologist combined her 15 years as a practicing neurologist with ten subsequent years as a classroom teacher to become a leading authority in the neuroscience of learning. With her unique background as both in…
George McCloskey, Ph.D.
George McCloskey, Ph.D., is a Professor and Director of School Psychology Research in the Psychology Department of the Philadelphia College of Osteopathic Medicine and holds Diplomate status with the American Academy of Pediatric Neuropsychology. He frequently presents at international and…
Terry Fralich, LCPC
Terry Fralich, LCPC is a Licensed Clinical Professional Counselor with a private practice in Southern Maine and a former Adjunct Faculty Member of the University of Southern Maine Graduate School. He also is an attorney who practiced law in New York City, Los Angeles and…
Laura Ehlert, Psy.D.
Laura Ehlert, Psy.D. is a child clinical psychologist who has worked with children and adolescents with severe emotional/ behavioral issues for over 25 years. She holds a doctorate degree in Clinical Psychology where her training focused on developmental issues of…
John Arden, Ph.D.
John Arden, PhD, ABPP is the author of 15 books, including his most recent, Mind-Brain-Gene: Toward Psychotherapy Integration. His other books include: Brain2Brain, The Brain Bible, as well as Rewire Your Brain 2.0, and Brain-Based Therapy with Adults and Brain-Based…
Michael Bloomquist, Ph.D.
Michael Bloomquist, Ph.D., is an Associate Professor in the Department of Psychiatry at the University of Minnesota and is Adjunct Director of Evidence-Based Practice at PrairieCare Medical Group, both in Minneapolis. He has more than 25 years of experience in…
Ronald Potter-Efron, Ph.D., CADCII, LICSW
Ronald Potter-Efron, Ph.D., CADCIII, LICSW is a clinical pyschotherapist, director of the Anger Management Program at First Things First Counseling and Consulting Center in Altoona, WI, and an internationally recognized anger expert. He has more than 30 years of clinical…
Lynn Miller, Ph.D., R.Psych
Lynn D. Miller, Ph.D., Lic.Psych started her career as a classroom teacher, and then worked as a school counselor K-12 in the US and Canada. As the Myrne Nevison Prevention Research Professor at the University of British Columbia, she investigated anxiety…
Thomas Armstrong, Ph.D.
Thomas Armstrong, Ph.D. is the Executive Director of the American Institute for Learning and Human Development, and an award-winning author and speaker who has been an educator for the past forty years. Over one million copies of his books are…
Lynne Kenney, Psy.D.
Lynne Kenney, Psy.D., is the nation’s leading pediatric psychologist in the development of classroom cognitive-physical activity programs for students in grades K-8. Dr. Kenney develops curriculum, programming, and activities to improve children’s cognition through coordinative cognitive-motor movement, executive function skill-building strategies,…