Selina Robinson, M.A. is a Coquitlam-based cc ousellor who was elected to Coquitlam Council in November 2008. She currently sits on the Land Use and Economic Development and the Sport, Recreation and Culture Standing Committees. She is the Chair of the Disabilities Advisory Committee, and the Vice-Chair of the Coquitlam School Board Liaison Committee, the Riverview Task Force, the Sports Council and the Cultural Council. She also represents the City of Coquitlam on the Tri-Cities Homelessness Task Group and on the Library Board. Prior to being elected she worked for SHARE Family and Community Services as the Director of Development. She has a Masters Degree in Counselling Psychology and has spent most of her professional life working with individuals, families and communities in the non-profit sector. When not engaged in council business, Robinson maintains a small private counselling practice, and teaches counselling skills for UBC’s Life and Learning Centre.
More information: www.selinarobinson.wordpress.com