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Paul Foxman, Ph.D.

Paul Foxman, Ph.D.

Paul Foxman, Ph.D. has led hundreds of top rated workshops throughout the U.S. and Canada, and he has appeared on television and radio as an expert on the topic of anxiety. His books include Dancing with Fear (2007) and The Worried Child (2004). Dr. Foxman is known for his knowledge and clarity, sense of humor, compassion, and engaging speaking style.

Dr. Foxman is a clinical psychologist as well as Founder and Director of the Center for Anxiety Disorders in Vermont. His Center is a private practice as well as a therapist training program. In 1985 Dr. Foxman co-founded the Lake Champlain Waldorf School, now flourishing from kindergarten through high school.

Dr. Foxman has over 30 years of clinical experience in a variety of settings including hospitals, community mental health centers, schools, and private practice. His education includes Yale University (B.A. in Psychology), Vanderbilt University (Ph.D. in Clinical Psychology), and training at the Department of Psychiatry of Mt. Zion Hospital in San Francisco, the Kennedy Child Study Center in Nashville, and the San Francisco Psychoanalytic Institute.


“I couldn’t say enough about how much I’ve gained from these two days! Many helpful strategies and sources of positive information.
– Virginia B. (School Board) | Halifax, NS | October 30 & 31, 2014


“Paul’s calm delivery and inclusive style was perfectly suited to the topic. I am excited to put the perspectives and skills I learned to use. Thank you so much!
– Jennifer J. | Halifax, NS | October 30 & 31, 2014


“Dr. Foxman is an engaging speaker who uses a nice balance of information, examples and humour in sharing his knowledge on this ever growing topic ‘epidemic of anxiety.’ Thank you so much for a great two days!
– Heather (Interlake School Division) | Winnipeg, MB | October 27 & 28, 2014

“Paul has put in his 10,000 hours many times over, and it shows through his knowledge of the conditions and effects of anxiety, and how to treat anxiety in children and adolescents.
– Brian (Educator) | Halifax, NS | October 30 & 31, 2014

“I found Paul to be very personable. He was interacting with the audience during breaks and pre- & post-session. Extremely knowledgeable in his field – look forward to reading the book that I bought and applying this to the kids in my school
– Winnipeg, MB | October 27 & 28, 2014


“Excellent workshop! It will help me work with students in my program. It also helped me gain a better understanding of my own anxiety disorder.
– Rick | Halifax, NS | October 30 & 31, 2014


“Really great 2 days! Very practical – lots to take back to my practice, which is what I was hoping for!”
– Winnipeg, MB | October 27 & 28, 2014


“Dr. Foxman is engaging and knowledgeable. This workshop was definitely worth the time.
– Kim (Education) | Winnipeg, MB | October 27 & 28, 2014


“Very worthwhile workshop. Thank you for giving me better tools to work with youth, children and adults suffering with anxiety. I feel much better equipped. Anxiety is the most common issue I work with, so it is vital to have a good understanding of the challenges and what techniques work. Thank you so much.
– Pamela (Counsellor) | Halifax, NS | October 30 & 31, 2014


“Dr. Foxman was very knowledgeable and his presentation style was engaging and effective. He took the time to meet and chat with his audience and would refer to them and their specific needs and/or questions throughout his presentation on a first name basis. I am excited to use his strategies with my students, but also in my own life to help overcome anxiety. I really enjoyed hearing about his own experiences with clients and learning about his family. Thank you Dr. Foxman!”
– Winnipeg, MB | October 27 & 28, 2014

“I was recommended by a colleague to hear Dr. Foxman speak. In spite of having a good knowledge-base of anxiety, I learned a great deal from Dr. Foxman’s case presentations and experience. I really appreciated all of the sharing strategies and techniques throughout the 2 days. A polished presentation and excellent workshop!

– Winnipeg, MB | October 27 & 28, 2014


“Very informative and friendly. Made learning fun and gave a lot of useful life stills to work with.”
– Connie (Foster Care) | Winnipeg, MB | October 27 & 28, 2014

“The presenter had a skillful way of highlighting key parts of each anxiety disorder and offering helpful interventions. The interventions discussed could be adapted for all age groups and levels of capability
– Tracy (Souther Health) | Winnipeg, MB | October 27 & 28, 2014


“Engaging, knowledgeable speaker. I thought the use of concrete strategies was excellent. Thank you!”
– Candice H. | Winnipeg, MB | October 27 & 28, 2014




Additional Testimonials for Paul Foxman

“Dr. Foxman is an excellent speaker who gives concrete, how-to examples and detailed descriptions of the therapy process, which are practical and useful.”

“I liked the personality of the presenter: knowledgeable, honest, humorous but focused.”

“Offered practical therapeutic suggestions.”

“Lots of helpful info on ways to actually work. So often treatment workshops are actually theory workshops. This one gave us useful stuff to use.”

“I liked his way of conceptualizing the anxiety personality and family characteristics.”

“Presenter was very clear, intelligent, open and approachable, and the material was very good.”

“I liked the style, personality and enthusiasm of the instructor, as well as the discussion and explanation
of practical techniques.”

“I liked the presenter’s ability to be objective and keep the course on track, and his relaxed presentation

“Dr. Foxman addresses the needs of today’s therapist for knowledge about anxiety and its treatment, and he provokes ideas about enhancing the practice of therapy.”

“I liked the techniques to use with my clients.”

“I appreciated the organization and humor of the presenter. The tone of the workshop was very positive and served to have the effect of a retreat.”

“I spoke to a few other attendees at the workshop and we were all in agreement: You have a very calm nature and wonderful speaking ability. Your approach to getting to know us first by walking around and taking time to speak to a lot of us had great impact. You came across as confident, open and intelligent. I enjoyed listening to you, speaking with you and hearing your ideas. I will surely use your ideas in my own life and in my clients’ lives. Thank you for making the workshop more than ordinary; it was extraordinary! Please keep writing and reaching out. You are a gift.”

“I learned more in this one-day seminar than I’ve learned in my entire master’s program. His words allowed me to creatively brainstorm how to work with clients suffering from anxiety.”

“Finally! A seminar that treats us like professionals instead of college students. Information was practical and advanced and didn’t just rattle off DSM criteria.”

“Delightful, genuine speaker—very accessible emotionally, humble, with a great sense of humor and apparent compassion for others who suffer from anxiety.”

“When you leave a seminar you sometimes feel angry because there wasn’t any ‘meat.’ This seminar was packed with quality materials presented in an interesting and engaging way.”

“Appreciated such a comprehensive handout—especially bibliography, exercises, medication and alternative medication information.”

“Excellent! Dr. Foxman was wonderful and articulate, clearly demonstrating his vast knowledge and experience.”

“Exceptional! One of the best presentations I have ever been to.”

“I enjoyed Dr. Foxman’s depth of knowledge. I learned a lot. His sense of humor made the day for me. His down-to-earth humility and unselfconsciousness were quite refreshing to me.”

“Really one of the best organized, user-friendly, personable seminars I’ve been to.”

“Wonderful, warm and open style of teaching and facilitating…clearly an A+. Thank you!”

“I feel excited about the new tools I have for working with clients who struggle with anxiety.”

“Dr. Foxman is a great speaker! Very engaging and fun! Would love to hear him again.”

“This was an excellent, wonderful, engaging day that flew by with the superb speaker! I may attend [again] in November.”

“The seminar exceeded my expectations regarding my desire to develop a coherent plan to help my clients manage anxiety. I feel more confident in this area and look forward to using this information.”

“Thank you for your talk on the ‘worried child.’ I found it immensely fascinating, both in regards to my own children and the children I work with. Thank you so much. I really was educated today.”



More information: www.drfoxman.com