Jane Middelton-Moz, M.S. is currently living in the State of Vermont and is the Director of the Middelton-Moz Institute, a division of The Institute of Professional Practice, Inc. Ms. Middelton-Moz is on the advisory board of the National Association for Native American Children of Alcoholics. She has a Masters Degree in Clinical Psychology and over thirty-five years experience in the treatment of mental health and substance abuse problems. She has held numerous direct service, management and executive positions in community agencies.
Over the last several years, Ms. Middelton-Moz has become well known nationally and internationally for her work in the areas of adult children of alcoholics, multi-generational grief in individuals and families, children of trauma, ethnic and cultural awareness, differential diagnosis, cultural self-hate and multi-generational sexual and physical abuse in families.
Ms. Middelton-Moz is the author of numerous titles including Shame and Guilt: The Masters of Disguise, Will to Survive: Affirming the Positive Power of the Human Spirit, and Boiling Point: Dealing with the Anger in Our Lives. She is the co-author of Bullies: From the Playground to the Boardroom, Strategies for Survival; The Ultimate Guide to Transforming Anger, and After the Tears: Reclaiming the Personal Losses of Childhood. Ms. Middelton-Moz has appeared on national television shows including Oprah, Maury Povich, Montel Williams; she has also had her own PBS special.