Barry Duncan, Psy.D. has over one hundred publications, including fifteen books. His latest books: The Heroic Client (2nd edition, Jossey Bass, 2004); Heroic Clients, Heroic Agencies: Partners for Change (ISTC Press, 2002; Revised 2007 E Edition available at www.heartandsoulofchange.com); Brief Intervention for School Problems (Guilford, 2007); the 2nd edition of the Heart and Soul of Change: Delivering What Works (APA, in press); and the forthcoming, On Becoming A Better Therapist (APA, in press). He is the co-developer of the Outcome Rating Scale (ORS), Session Rating Scale (SRS), Child ORS, and Child SRS, measures designed to give clients the voice they deserve as well as provide clients, clinicians, administrators, and payers with feedback about the client’s response to services, thus enabling more effective care tailored to client preferences. Because of his self help books, he has appeared on “Oprah,” “The View,” and several other national TV programs. His latest self help book, What’s Right With You, challenges the business as usual mentality of “What’s wrong with you” and instead demonstrates how to rally natural resources and resiliencies to overcome life challenges. Barry conducts seminars internationally in hopes of inciting insurrection against practices that diminish clients and encouraging therapists to establish their own identity.
More information: betteroutcomesnow.com/