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Mental Health Issues in the Classroom

Join child/adolescent behavioural expert, Jay Berk, PhD, and learn how to best manage the students at your school diagnosed with Oppositional Defiant Disorder (ODD), Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD), Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD), mood disorders, anxiety and depression. You will…

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2 Day Advanced Mindfulness Training

In this in-depth, two-day workshop, national mindfulness teacher and author Donald Altman will demonstrate a variety of powerful clinical tools—from grounding and attention focusing skills to metacognitive awareness and mindfulness skills—for helping clients to rewire the brain as they overcome…

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Trauma Competency Training

This two-day seminar delivers the bio-psycho-social aspects of traumatic stress, traumatic grief, & traumatic loss. Mental health professionals are on the front lines and, in many cases, have the initial contact with the individual(s) who has experienced traumatic stress. Clinicians…

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Compassion Fatigue and Burnout

This workshop has been identified by hundreds of professionals as life changing, essential, and exhilarating. Join Dr. Eric Gentry, a recognized leader in the area of compassion fatigue, and learn evidence-based compassion, resiliency, and prevention skills drawn from the Accelerated…

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2 Day Advanced Mindfulness Training

In this in-depth, two-day workshop, national mindfulness teacher and author Donald Altman will demonstrate a variety of powerful clinical tools—from grounding and attention focusing skills to metacognitive awareness and mindfulness skills—for helping clients to rewire the brain as they overcome…

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High Functioning Autism

This intensive, full-day workshop provides proven intervention strategies, essential treatment tools, and behavioural techniques to help you analyze behaviors and actions, identify consequences for behaviours, and teach new skills to children, adolescents and young adults with high-functioning autism (HFA). Walk…

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Mental Health Issues in the Classroom

Join child/adolescent behavioural expert, Jay Berk, PhD, and learn how to best manage the students at your school diagnosed with Oppositional Defiant Disorder (ODD), Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD), Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD), mood disorders, anxiety and depression. You will…

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The Neuropsychology of Learning Disabilities

The fundamental aim of this course is to utilize cognitive neuroscience to better understand learning disorders in children.  This workshop has been designed to examine reading, writing, and math disorders from a brain-based educational perspective.  The primary learning objectives will…

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Managing Anxiety at Home and at School

Anxiety is a persistent master. When it moves in, it takes over daily routines, learning, recreation, and social connection. To make matters worse, the things adults (including many therapists and school systems) do to help anxious children can actually make the anxiety…

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Treating Anxiety Disorders in Children & Adolescents

The increasing rate of stress and trauma to children, which includes divorce, family breakdown, violence in society, and the media, has produced a “shell shocked” generation suffering from anxiety in many cases. The challenge for educators and clinicians is to…

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Working with Oppositional, Defiant and Anger Issues in Children and Adolescents

Children diagnosed with Oppositional Defiant Disorder (ODD) can present a monumental challenge to therapists, teachers, parents and siblings. ODD and other conduct problems are the single greatest reasons for referrals to outpatient and inpatient mental health settings for children, accounting…

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Acceptance & Commitment Therapy

Acceptance and mindfulness-based practices are rapidly making their way into mental health care, medicine, and society – both to alleviate human suffering and nurture psychological health and wellness. This body of work offers a fresh perspective on psychological suffering, and…

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Managing Anxiety at Home and at School

Anxiety is a persistent master. When it moves in, it takes over daily routines, learning, recreation, and social connection. To make matters worse, the things adults (including many therapists and school systems) do to help anxious children can actually make the anxiety…

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ARCHIVE: Advanced CBT for Insomnia & with Comorbid Conditions: A Client-Centered, Evidence-Based Approach

Many clinicians are familiar with the basic strategies of cognitive behavioural therapy for insomnia, but when it comes to implementation in their practice, they can become stuck when encountering difficult cases.The solution to this problem is to provide advanced training…

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2 Day DBT Intensive

Dialectical behaviour therapy (DBT) is a treatment originally designed to treat borderline personality disorder (BPD). In recent years it has been increasingly used to treat many other disorders because of its usefulness in treating clients unable to manage emotions. Following…

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Mindfulness and Psychotherapy

What do we look for in a psychotherapist or a professional counsellor? When we’re in emotional pain, the answer probably isn’t academic knowledge, training in a particular approach, nor even life experience. Instead, we likely want someone who’s compassionate (able…

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Mindfulness and Psychotherapy

What do we look for in a psychotherapist or a professional counsellor? When we’re in emotional pain, the answer probably isn’t academic knowledge, training in a particular approach, nor even life experience. Instead, we likely want someone who’s compassionate (able…

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Cognitive Behavioural Therapy and T.E.A.M. Techniques in Whistler

Join Dr. David Burns this summer in Whistler, BC, for his fabulous four-day intensive on the treatment of depression and all of the anxiety disorders with advanced CBT and TEAM Therapy techniques. This intensive training offers unique and exciting learning…

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Healing the Fragmented Selves of Trauma Survivors

Childhood abuse necessitates self-alienation: we must disown that humiliating “bad child” and work harder to be the “good child” acceptable to our attachment figures. In the end, we survive trauma at the cost of disowning and dissociating from our most…

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2 Day DBT Intensive

Dialectical behaviour therapy (DBT) is a treatment originally designed to treat borderline personality disorder (BPD). In recent years it has been increasingly used to treat many other disorders because of its usefulness in treating clients unable to manage emotions. Following…

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3 Day Intensive: DBT Made Simple

In this intensive 3-day workshop, DBT will be de-mystified and you will learn how to use this highly effective therapy to better treat your clients with problems managing emotions. Sheri’s unique workshops emphasize the flexibility of DBT and the benefits…

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Making Sense of Anxiety & Related Problems

The escalating level of anxiety in our children begs for an explanation as well as a solution. Dr. Neufeld sheds light on this age-old problem, paving the way for natural interventions that can actually get to the root causes as…

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Making Sense of Anxiety and Related Problems

The escalating level of anxiety in our children begs for an explanation as well as a solution. Dr. Neufeld sheds light on this age-old problem, paving the way for natural interventions that can actually get to the root causes as…

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Scared Stiff

Dear Prospective Participant, I was thrilled when Jack Hirose invited me to do my workshop in Calgary. We have worked together for more than 15 years, and I can tell you that Jack is simply THE BEST. He is totally…

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Scared Stiff

Dear Prospective Participant, I was thrilled when Jack Hirose invited me to do my workshop in Calgary. We have worked together for more than 15 years, and I can tell you that Jack is simply THE BEST. He is totally…

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