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Motivational Interviewing Training: Essential Guidelines and Strategies

Motivational Interviewing (MI) is an approach to communication that tends to help clients construct their own argument(s) in support of a pre-determined change. Fidelity to this way of focusing a conversation serves to enhance the client’s desires for the identified…

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Mindfulness-Based Cognitive Therapy

Much has been written about mindfulness in recent decades, but clinicians are often left without concrete, practical skills to teach clients in acute distress. Applying the methods of an evidence-based intervention such as Mindfulness-Based Cognitive Therapy (MBCT), requires in-depth knowledge…

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Mindfulness-Based Cognitive Therapy

Much has been written about mindfulness in recent decades, but clinicians are often left without concrete, practical skills to teach clients in acute distress. Applying the methods of an evidence-based intervention such as Mindfulness-Based Cognitive Therapy (MBCT), requires in-depth knowledge…

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Trauma Competency Training

This two-day seminar delivers the bio-psycho-social aspects of traumatic stress, traumatic grief, & traumatic loss. Mental health professionals are on the front lines and, in many cases, have the initial contact with the individual(s) who has experienced traumatic stress. Clinicians…

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Compassion Fatigue & Burnout

This workshop has been identified by hundreds of professionals as life changing, essential, and exhilarating. Join Dr. Eric Gentry, a recognized leader in the area of compassion fatigue, and learn evidence-based compassion, resiliency, and prevention skills drawn from the Accelerated…

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2 Day Intensive: The 10 Best-Ever Anxiety Management Techniques

In The 10 Best-Ever Anxiety Management Techniques, Margaret Wehrenberg, Psy.D presents the most useful psychotherapeutic approaches to generalized anxiety, panic and social anxiety. Via discussion, practice in the seminar, and concise client examples in all age groups, you will learn…

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2 Day Intensive: The 10 Best-Ever Anxiety Management Techniques

In The 10 Best-Ever Anxiety Management Techniques, Margaret Wehrenberg, Psy.D presents the most useful psychotherapeutic approaches to generalized anxiety, panic and social anxiety. Via discussion, practice in the seminar, and concise client examples in all age groups, you will learn…

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Trauma Competency Training

This two-day seminar delivers the bio-psycho-social aspects of traumatic stress, traumatic grief, & traumatic loss. Mental health professionals are on the front lines and, in many cases, have the initial contact with the individual(s) who has experienced traumatic stress. Clinicians…

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Compassion Fatigue & Burnout

This workshop has been identified by hundreds of professionals as life changing, essential, and exhilarating. Join Dr. Eric Gentry, a recognized leader in the area of compassion fatigue, and learn evidence-based compassion, resiliency, and prevention skills drawn from the Accelerated…

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2 Day Intensive: The 10 Best-Ever Anxiety Management Techniques

In The 10 Best-Ever Anxiety Management Techniques, Margaret Wehrenberg, Psy.D presents the most useful psychotherapeutic approaches to stress and generalized anxiety, panic and social anxiety and phobias. Via discussion, practice in the seminar, and concise client examples in all age…

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3 Day Intensive: DBT Made Simple

In this intensive 3-day workshop, DBT will be de-mystified and you will learn how to use this highly effective therapy to better treat your clients with problems managing emotions. Sheri’s unique workshops emphasize the flexibility of DBT and the benefits…

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3 Day Intensive: Acceptance & Commitment Therapy (ACT) in Mental Health Practice

Cultivate fluid and flexible use of ACT in practice ACT techniques for a broad range and severity of mental health disorders An interactive workshop including experiential exercises, demonstrations, clinical worksheets and practical tools Transformative for you and your clients! How…

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Treatment and Management of Personality Disorders

Individuals with personality disorders have long been considered the most challenging clients presenting in the clinical setting. Many patients initially lack motivation, most begin with poor insight, and some have such deeply engrained dysfunctional beliefs, unhealthy coping skills, and destructive…

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Brain-Based Learning, Behavioural Challenges & Mental Health: The Calgary Educators’ Conference

New Conference Format 10 Internationally Renown Experts 13 Full Day Workshops Mix & Match to Create Customized Conference Experience    Conference Overview   Day One: Wednesday, May 8th, 2019 Emotional Disorders Workshop #1 – The Neuropsychology of Emotional Disorders: A…

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3 Day Intensive: Working with Oppositional, Defiant and Anger Issues with Children and Adolescents

Children diagnosed with Oppositional Defiant Disorder (ODD) can present a monumental challenge to therapists, teachers, parents and siblings. ODD and other conduct problems are the single greatest reasons for referrals to outpatient and inpatient mental health settings for children, accounting…

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2 Day Intensive: Working with Oppositional, Defiant, & Anger Issues with Children & Adolescents

Children diagnosed with Oppositional Defiant Disorder (ODD) can present a monumental challenge to therapists, teachers, parents and siblings. ODD and other conduct problems are the single greatest reasons for referrals to outpatient and inpatient mental health settings for children, accounting…

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2 Day Intensive: Working with Oppositional, Defiant and Anger Issues with Children and Adolescents

Children diagnosed with Oppositional Defiant Disorder (ODD) can present a monumental challenge to therapists, teachers, parents and siblings. ODD and other conduct problems are the single greatest reasons for referrals to outpatient and inpatient mental health settings for children, accounting…

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2 Day Intensive: Working with Oppositional, Defiant, & Anger Issues with Children & Adolescents

Children diagnosed with Oppositional Defiant Disorder (ODD) can present a monumental challenge to therapists, teachers, parents and siblings. ODD and other conduct problems are the single greatest reasons for referrals to outpatient and inpatient mental health settings for children, accounting…

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High Functioning Autism

This intensive, two-day hands-on workshop provides evidence-based behavioural intervention strategies, essential treatment tools, and successful psychosocial techniques to teach new skills to children, adolescents and young adults with high-functioning autism (HFA).  Dr. Daily will provide interesting case studies, demonstrations, and…

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What is it About Me You Don’t Like?

Quality indicators for an effective classroom include: teacher behaviour (tone of voice, volume, cadence, verbal and nonverbal communication, paraverbals), environment (physical structure, schedules, routines, expectations), instruction (boring vs. stimulating, age appropriate vs. non-age appropriate, hands-on), and student behaviour (function of…

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High Functioning Autism

This intensive, two-day hands-on workshop provides evidence-based behavioural intervention strategies, essential treatment tools, and successful psychosocial techniques to teach new skills to children, adolescents and young adults with high-functioning autism (HFA).  Dr. Daily will provide interesting case studies, demonstrations, and…

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High Functioning Autism

This intensive, two-day hands-on workshop provides evidence-based behavioural intervention strategies, essential treatment tools, and successful psychosocial techniques to teach new skills to children, adolescents and young adults with high-functioning autism (HFA).  Dr. Daily will provide interesting case studies, demonstrations, and…

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Working with Oppositional, Defiant and Anger Issues with Children and Adolescents

Children diagnosed with Oppositional Defiant Disorder (ODD) can present a monumental challenge to therapists, teachers, parents and siblings. ODD and other conduct problems are the single greatest reasons for referrals to outpatient and inpatient mental health settings for children, accounting…

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2 Day Intensive: Working with Oppositional, Defiant and Anger Issues with Children and Adolescents

Children diagnosed with Oppositional Defiant Disorder (ODD) can present a monumental challenge to therapists, teachers, parents and siblings. ODD and other conduct problems are the single greatest reasons for referrals to outpatient and inpatient mental health settings for children, accounting…

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Brain-Based Learning, Behavioural Challenges & Mental Health: The Saskatoon Educators’ Conference

New Conference Format 8 Internationally Renown Experts 9 Full Day Workshops Mix & Match to Create Customized Conference Experience  Conference Overview   Day One: Monday, May 13th, 2019 Emotional Disorders Workshop #1 – The Neuropsychology of Emotional Disorders: A Framework…

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