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ARCHIVE: Advanced CBT for Insomnia & with Comorbid Conditions: A Client-Centered, Evidence-Based Approach

Many clinicians are familiar with the basic strategies of cognitive behavioural therapy for insomnia, but when it comes to implementation in their practice, they can become stuck when encountering difficult cases.The solution to this problem is to provide advanced training…

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Mindfulness and Psychotherapy

What do we look for in a psychotherapist or a professional counsellor? When we’re in emotional pain, the answer probably isn’t academic knowledge, training in a particular approach, nor even life experience. Instead, we likely want someone who’s compassionate (able…

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Cognitive Behavioural Therapy and T.E.A.M. Techniques in Whistler

Join Dr. David Burns this summer in Whistler, BC, for his fabulous four-day intensive on the treatment of depression and all of the anxiety disorders with advanced CBT and TEAM Therapy techniques. This intensive training offers unique and exciting learning…

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Healing the Fragmented Selves of Trauma Survivors

Childhood abuse necessitates self-alienation: we must disown that humiliating “bad child” and work harder to be the “good child” acceptable to our attachment figures. In the end, we survive trauma at the cost of disowning and dissociating from our most…

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Autism Spectrum Disorder

In this hands-on seminar you will discover what it is like to have a brain with autism. Once you experience the difference between a typical brain and a brain with autism, you will be able to design more effective and…

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Autism Spectrum Disorder

In this hands-on seminar you will discover what it is like to have a brain with autism. Once you experience the difference between a typical brain and a brain with autism, you will be able to design more effective and…

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2 Day DBT Intensive

Dialectical behaviour therapy (DBT) is a treatment originally designed to treat borderline personality disorder (BPD). In recent years it has been increasingly used to treat many other disorders because of its usefulness in treating clients unable to manage emotions. Following…

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Working with Oppositional, Defiant and Anger Issues in Children and Adolescents

Children diagnosed with Oppositional Defiant Disorder (ODD) can present a monumental challenge to therapists, teachers, parents and siblings. ODD and other conduct problems are the single greatest reasons for referrals to outpatient and inpatient mental health settings for children, accounting…

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Bullies: Their Making and Unmaking

Once we understand how bullies are made, our attempts to unmake them can be truly effective and long-lasting. Most prevailing approaches to this problem assume that bullying is either learned behaviour or the result of failure to acquire social skills.…

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Working with Aggressive and Violent Children and Youth

Aggression problems are deeply rooted in instinct and emotion and are therefore resistant to conventional discipline practices. Dr. Neufeld uncovers these roots and outlines steps to addressing them. His rich professional experience with aggressive children and violent youth informs this refreshing…

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The British Columbia School-Focused Mental Health Conference

I am pleased to announce the British Columbia School-Focused Mental Health Conference will be hosted in Langley, British Columbia on November 20-22, 2017. Over the past five years, our school-focused conferences have trained over 3,000 education professionals. Whether you are…

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Exceptional Healing Techniques in the Treatment of Post-Traumatic Conditions

Among the most challenging problems related to trauma are emotional and physical pain, addiction as an unhealthy attempt at self-regulation, and fragmentation of the self due to dissociation and internalization of outer conflict. This workshop will offer Ego-State Parts Therapy…

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Yoga Skills for Therapists

Practice your clinical specialty more effectively when you offer clients simple, evidence-based LifeForce Yoga practices to self-regulate, experience self-efficacy and build resilience. Learn clinically appropriate yoga skills that complement and enhance the work you currently do, helping clients focus, relax,…

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Working with Hard-to-Engage Children and Adolescents

Working with difficult-to-engage clients can be frustrating and challenging, even for seasoned clinicians. The challenge of working with younger clients in therapy can be further compounded by their fear of entering therapy, their lack of control over the decision to…

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Evidence-Based Interventions for Traumatized Children and Adolescents

There have been a number of treatments developed and tested in recent years specifically geared to treating traumatized children. These approaches share many of the same core components, as listed below (The National Child Traumatic Stress Network, 2013): Engaging clients…

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Couples Therapy in the 21st Century: On Target, Effective and Revolutionary

Couples therapy offers us a rich amazing venue to create lasting change in individuals, core relationships and families. This two day workshop will outline the Emotionally Focused Model of Couple Therapy (EFT), and how it illustrates the new science of…

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The Pain Paradox: The “Third Wave” of Mindfulness-Compassion Based Approaches for PTSD & Complex Trauma

As our field matures, and currently-promoted therapies are tested in the real world, the limitations of some approaches to PTSD and complex trauma are becoming clear. Fortunately, researchers and clinical practitioners are discovering the power of new affect regulation interventions,…

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Proven Strategies To De-Escalate Anger & Violent Episodes

UPDATE: This workshop is clinical presentation with techniques that can be used in practice. In this one-day clinical workshop, Dr. Nuckols will provide proven strategies and techniques to alter angry emotion, hostility and potentially violent behavior into positive corrective experiences.…

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Mindfulness & Beyond: Essential Clinical Skills

The trend of mindfulness research is sweeping the medical field. Is it radical enough? What is the latest research in mindfulness? How does the Buddhist perspective influence the way we see suffering and how we can best serve others? After…

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2 Day DBT Intensive: Using DBT To Treat Emotion Dysregulation Disorders

Dialectical behaviour therapy (DBT) is a treatment originally designed to treat borderline personality disorder (BPD). In recent years it has been increasingly used to treat many other disorders because of its usefulness in treating clients unable to manage emotions. Following…

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Making Sense of Anxiety & Related Problems

The escalating level of anxiety in our children begs for an explanation as well as a solution. Dr. Neufeld sheds light on this age-old problem, paving the way for natural interventions that can actually get to the root causes as…

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The Science of Emotion

*NEW* Suitable for Adult-Focused Clinicians There is much focus today on children’s emotions. Constructs like emotional intelligence, emotional self-regulation, emotional well-being and emotional social learning are being bandied about like never before. Emotion, long dismissed as a nuisance factor, is…

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Proven & Effective Play Therapy Strategies with Children, Adolescents & Children of All Ages

This workshop will teach attendees how to use Play Therapy as an incredible method of communication and diagnostics. It will teach you how to interpret the ways in which children and adolescents play, the importance of what they play with/what…

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Proven & Effective Play Therapy Strategies with Children, Adolescents & Children of All Ages

This workshop will teach attendees how to use Play Therapy as an incredible method of communication and diagnostics. It will teach you how to interpret the ways in which children and adolescents play, the importance of what they play with/what…

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Proven & Effective Play Therapy Strategies with Children, Adolescents & Children of All Ages

This workshop will teach attendees how to use Play Therapy as an incredible method of communication and diagnostics. It will teach you how to interpret the ways in which children and adolescents play, the importance of what they play with/what…

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