Blog Archives
Mindfulness and Psychotherapy
What do we look for in a psychotherapist or a professional counsellor? When we’re in emotional pain, the answer probably isn’t academic knowledge, training in a particular approach, nor even life experience. Instead, we likely want someone who’s compassionate (able…
Mindfulness and Psychotherapy
What do we look for in a psychotherapist or a professional counsellor? When we’re in emotional pain, the answer probably isn’t academic knowledge, training in a particular approach, nor even life experience. Instead, we likely want someone who’s compassionate (able…
Cognitive Behavioural Therapy and T.E.A.M. Techniques in Whistler
Join Dr. David Burns this summer in Whistler, BC, for his fabulous four-day intensive on the treatment of depression and all of the anxiety disorders with advanced CBT and TEAM Therapy techniques. This intensive training offers unique and exciting learning…
Healing the Fragmented Selves of Trauma Survivors
Childhood abuse necessitates self-alienation: we must disown that humiliating “bad child” and work harder to be the “good child” acceptable to our attachment figures. In the end, we survive trauma at the cost of disowning and dissociating from our most…
2 Day DBT Intensive
Dialectical behaviour therapy (DBT) is a treatment originally designed to treat borderline personality disorder (BPD). In recent years it has been increasingly used to treat many other disorders because of its usefulness in treating clients unable to manage emotions. Following…
3 Day Intensive: DBT Made Simple
In this intensive 3-day workshop, DBT will be de-mystified and you will learn how to use this highly effective therapy to better treat your clients with problems managing emotions. Sheri’s unique workshops emphasize the flexibility of DBT and the benefits…
Scared Stiff
Dear Prospective Participant, I was thrilled when Jack Hirose invited me to do my workshop in Calgary. We have worked together for more than 15 years, and I can tell you that Jack is simply THE BEST. He is totally…
Scared Stiff
Dear Prospective Participant, I was thrilled when Jack Hirose invited me to do my workshop in Calgary. We have worked together for more than 15 years, and I can tell you that Jack is simply THE BEST. He is totally…
Somatic Interventions for Treating Complex Trauma
The techniques you’ll learn during this workshop will make even the most complex clients easier to treat – and the interventions you’ll learn directly address the underlying causes of post-traumatic stress. Dr. Fisher will give you tools from Sensorimotor Psychotherapy,…
2 Day DBT Intensive
Dialectical behaviour therapy (DBT) is a treatment originally designed to treat borderline personality disorder (BPD). In recent years it has been increasingly used to treat many other disorders because of its usefulness in treating clients unable to manage emotions. Following…
Healing the Fragmented Selves of Trauma Survivors
Childhood abuse necessitates self-alienation: we must disown that humiliating “bad child” and work harder to be the “good child” acceptable to our attachment figures. In the end, we survive trauma at the cost of disowning and dissociating from our most…
2 Day Trauma Competency Training: Traumatic Stress, Grief and Loss
A Letter from Dr. Eric Gentry “In 1999, Hubble, Duncan, and Miller released, in my opinion, the single most important text of the past decade—The Heart & Soul of Change. This book is chocked full of paradigm-shifting information. This data…
Healing & Treating Trauma, Addictions, and Related Disorders Conference
Dear Colleague, I am pleased to announce Canada’s 8th Annual Premier Psychotherapy Conference: Healing and Treating Trauma, Addictions and Related Disorders will be hosted in Calgary, Alberta, on November 27–29, 2017. Whether you are coming for the first time or…
2 Day Advanced Mindfulness Training
In this in-depth, two-day workshop, national mindfulness teacher and author Donald Altman will demonstrate a variety of powerful clinical tools—from grounding and attention focusing skills to metacognitive awareness and mindfulness skills—for helping clients to rewire the brain as they overcome…
Exceptional Healing Techniques in the Treatment of Post-Traumatic Conditions
Among the most challenging problems related to trauma are emotional and physical pain, addiction as an unhealthy attempt at self-regulation, and fragmentation of the self due to dissociation and internalization of outer conflict. This workshop will offer Ego-State Parts Therapy…
Yoga Skills for Therapists
Practice your clinical specialty more effectively when you offer clients simple, evidence-based LifeForce Yoga practices to self-regulate, experience self-efficacy and build resilience. Learn clinically appropriate yoga skills that complement and enhance the work you currently do, helping clients focus, relax,…
Couples Therapy in the 21st Century: On Target, Effective and Revolutionary
Couples therapy offers us a rich amazing venue to create lasting change in individuals, core relationships and families. This two day workshop will outline the Emotionally Focused Model of Couple Therapy (EFT), and how it illustrates the new science of…
Cognitive Behaviour Therapy 3 Day Intensive Training in PEI
Complete this workshop and master the core competencies in cognitive behavioural based treatments and improve your skills in CBT to achieve better therapeutic outcomes, with even your most challenging client. CBT for Bipolar and Depressive Related Disorders, anger, anxiety, PTSD…
The Alberta CBT & DBT Clinical Skills Conference
Learn clinical skills for Cognitive Behavioural Therapy and Dialectical Behavioural Therapy from six of North America’s leading experts. Dear Colleague, I am pleased to announce the Alberta CBT + DBT Clinical Skills Conference will be hosted in Edmonton, AB on April 3-5, 2017.…
Evidence-Based Treatment of Personality Disorders: Simple Techniques for Treating Your Most Difficult Cases
Individuals with personality disorders have long been considered the most challenging clients presenting in the clinical setting. Many patients initially lack motivation, most begin with poor insight, and some have such deeply engrained dysfunctional beliefs, unhealthy coping skills, and destructive…
Evidence-Based Treatment of Anxiety & Related Disorders
This workshop provides training in evidence-based strategies for treating a range of anxiety and related disorders in adults and children. Dr. Antony will emphasize the importance of case formulation and core treatment principles that cut across anxiety based problems, including…
Cognitive Behaviour Therapy: 4 Day Intensive Training in Banff
Jack Hirose and Associates has proudly sponsored many of Dr. David Burns’ two-day workshops over the past 10 years and during the past 7 years 1,500 therapists have attended Dr. Burns four-day intensives in Canada. The intensives will allow time…
Evidence-Based Treatment of Anxiety & Related Disorders
This workshop provides training in evidence-based strategies for treating a range of anxiety and related disorders in adults and children. Dr. Antony will emphasize the importance of case formulation and core treatment principles that cut across anxiety based problems, including…
2 Day DBT Intensive: Using DBT To Treat Emotion Dysregulation Disorders
Dialectical behaviour therapy (DBT) is a treatment originally designed to treat borderline personality disorder (BPD). In recent years it has been increasingly used to treat many other disorders because of its usefulness in treating clients unable to manage emotions. Following…
3 Day Mindfulness Intensive in Banff
Most of us live our lives running from task to task, distraction to distraction… Mindful awareness means paying attention to present moment experiences with openness, curiosity, and a willingness to be with what is. It is an excellent antidote to…