Blog Archives
Proven Self-Regulation Strategies and Interventions for Children With Sensory Disorders, Learning Disorders, ADHD and Autism
This seminar will help you to better understand and intervene with the challenging child—the one who won’t sit still; doesn’t follow directions; tantrums often; or has difficulty waiting for their turn. They may “hit first and ask questions later”. They often react impulsively and may have…
Proven Self-Regulation Strategies and Interventions for Children With Sensory Disorders, Learning Disorders, ADHD and Autism
This seminar will help you to better understand self-regulation and intervene with the challenging child—the one who won’t sit still; doesn’t follow directions; tantrums often; or has difficulty waiting for their turn. They may “hit first and ask questions later”. They often react impulsively and may…
Anxiety Disorders in Children and Adolescents: Recognizing and Treating the Emerging Epidemic
Anxiety is now recognized as the most common emotional problem in 16 of 17 countries surveyed recently by the World Health Organization. The soaring trend towards anxiety has been accelerated by global events such as such as terrorism and violence, natural disasters, economic stress and other…